Holistic Coaching
A Mind-Body-Spirit approach to personal development. Using my Gestalt training, Holistic Health Coaching skills, 15+ years of yoga teaching/yoga therapy work, 20 years of raising my family holistically, and a searching and fearless spiritual path, I support clients thru a process that facilitates healthy, sustainable behavioral change.
By empowering you to cultivate your inner wisdom, identify your values, and look at what’s working, we expand from there into goals. Then we break down those goals into simple steps and daily practices in service of your transformation.
“Experience increased vitality for realizing your dreams, visions, and goals to live your most radiant life.”
Balance seems to be this elusive state we’re always after. And yet that balance is within us…always. Sure, there are times when we’re off balance, we all have those times. Holistic practices can support us to find our way back to center more readily. Allow meto be that ‘trusted other’ to support you on your path to wholeness in body, mind & spirit.
Through individual and group coaching I share holistic tools, co-create a plan that’s unique to you, and compassionately support you to make the lifestyle changes you desire to bring yourself into balance.
Balance Mind, Body & Spirit
Rediscover the radiance that is within by realigning with what is real and nourishing in all aspects of your life, Body, Mind & Spirit. Values, thoughts, and actions aligned to live fully integrated in your wholeness

Rich Complexity
There’s a rich inner landscape, unique to you, that supports you with information and ideas. Learn to engage with and balance inner wisdom with the outer messages of the culture. I offer practices, guidance, encouragement and accountability to inspire you to discover your unique personal path to wholeness, health, and well-being.
Compassionate Support
It hasn’t all been sunshine for me, believe me, I’ve struggled. Those challenges offered me my greatest learning. This learning allows me to have a compassionate lens to support you. In our sessions you receive the fullness of my presence as we explore what’s on your mind and heart in the present moment and explore what’s needed.

These last months have been truly heaven-sent – the opportunity to be in the program came at just the time when I was determined to make some changes in my life. I am very blessed by Polly and by the timing of the program.
As a result of working with Polly, I am much more in tune with what I need and allow myself to meet that need, whatever it is. And I feel I have a much more positive relationship with my spouse. I am happier day to day, and deal with difficult situations without getting over the top emotional or angry
I have learned meditation. I’ve learned easy ways to roast vegetables, how the scent of Essential oils can affect my mood, and that even Polly has to work hard to feel well. I’ve felt an immense amount of acceptance including acceptance of myself as I am.
My goals for my coaching program with Polly were:
- better manage IBS-C and lesson abdominal pain.
- alleviate arthritic hip joint pain and increase muscle strength and mobility
- cope better and process grief from several losses of relatives and friends.
Polly did a comprehensive evaluation of my history to understand my needs and goals. She is a great listener and established trust, confidentiality, and hope in a nonjudgmental manner. She clarified and confirmed her understanding of my views before proceeding with a plan together. She respected my decisions not to include some component’s based on my experiences in the past and reactions, for example to supplements. I did a log of foods and deleted and or added foods based on the patterns of reaction and her recommendations. Being holistic, she added meditations, self-compassion practices, light yoga, and new exercises. At each session, we focused on the positive improvements and additions to the plan for issues needing more improvement. My pain is significantly lessoned, and my energy level is higher. My spirits are also lifted.
Polly is a compassionate professional who is very knowledgeable in her field with the ability to connect with clients and engage them in healing and self-care that becomes normative in their lifestyle. I would recommend Polly’s coaching to family, friends and colleagues who are seeking help with physical and/or psychosocial issues that traditional medical care has no answers or as an adjunct with medical care. I am so grateful for the work I did with Polly!!! She is the best!!
Radiant Health is your Path to Abundance!
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